Saturday, January 30, 2010

Homeschool Fridays at Pirates Island

Have you been to Pirates Island yet?  Every Friday afternoon from 1pm-3pm Pirates Island is open to homeschoolers for a reduced rate of $4 per person (this includes adults).  They do need at least 50 attendees in order to justify running the slides.  For more information, please contact Liz at 269-544-1000.  Pirates Island is located inside SWAT Fitness Club in Oshtemo.  You can also check their website for more information.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I want to Homeschool

Every once in a while I get a call from a parent that is thinking of homeschooling.  Nothing brings back my joy of homeschooling more than helping someone else start homeschooling.  When we decided that we might try homeschooling, I was fortunate to have an aunt that had been homeschooling for years.  She was able to help me find the confidence to get started.

In Michigan there are no rules to homeschooling per say.  I did notify the school district that I was pulling my son to home school him.  He was in the first half of 1st grade and I felt it necessary and considerate to let them know.  I actually asked them to send me a copy of the 1st grade curriculum (basically it was just a run down of what they teach in the 1st grade) and they were happy to send it.  At that time I was only planning to homeschool for a few years.  My son has type 1 diabetes and we were facing daily challenges with the school and his care.  I was planning on him re-entering the system when he would be in a new building with new staff.  I felt it was important to keep him up to speed with the other kids he would be entering the later elementary with.

If you are pulling your child out during the school year, take some time off.  This is usually referred to as "de-schooling".  During this time, you, the parent, can research homeschooling styles or order curriculum.  In our case, I we took off about 2 weeks.  We pulled our son out right before Thanksgiving so we were able to get back to "school" at the first of December.  During those two weeks I went to our local teacher store and picked up a couple of work books to get us by while I waited for the curriculum I had chosen to come in.  We were able to start with that curriculum at the new year which was nice.  I only ordered a half year curriculum which was also nice.

It was so nice to have him home (he was my only child at the time).  I was able to make him a hot lunch everyday.  We would sit at the table and he would do his work.  I noticed with the one on one help, he was picking up reading really quickly.  (He had been struggling in school.)  It was just what I had imagined.  The best part is it only took about an hour!  Definitely never more than two hours.

We made it through that year ok.  I found a local homeschool group and my son and I went to a holiday party as our first event.  We both agreed that we didn't fit in.  I am not shy.  I have zero problem making conversation with total strangers.  I just didn't gel with anyone.  Neither did my son.  It was kind of a disappointment.  I was sure I was never going to fit in with anyone!

I complained about it all summer that first year.  I wanted to find a group of homeschoolers that I felt at home with.  Towards the end of that summer I threw up my hands and decided I was going to start my own group.  Just as I did that I stumbled upon a newer group in the area and decided to give them a try.  My son and I met up with them at a park and I found the group I had been looking for.  I made instant connections.  It was easy.  THAT is the way it should be.

Once I found that group, homeschooling took on a new meaning.  I evolved in my homeschool philosophy.  I decided I wasn't sending my son back to school anytime soon.  This one decision helped me relax and enjoy myself.  I could guide our direction anyway we wanted to go.  I wasn't trying to recreate school at home.  The pressure was off.

So my advice to new homeschoolers:  Find what works for your family and find a support group.  There are as many ways to homeschool as there are homeschoolers.  Michigan gives us the freedom to take charge of our child's education.  There are many viable means of doing so.  And don't be surprised at how little time is required in your homeschool day.  It doesn't have to happen at 8 or 9am.  It doesn't have to last until 3pm.  It can be done in the evenings, weekends, or just as an all day, everyday learning from life experiences. 

What exactly did I do?  The half year curriculum I used was LIFEPAC.  It is a set of workbooks.  It was easy to get started with.  I purchased just the subjects I wanted to use.  This was 1st grade.  I spent the money on the teachers guides but that was definitely as waste of money for me.  I really didn't need a guide to teaching 1st grade workbooks.  You, of course can decide for yourself.  I don't remember if they offered additional practice work or not.  

For more information about homeschooling styles, this website has a great rundown. 

For a quick look at homeschool laws, this website does a good job.  

Good luck and relax.  Homeschooling is a way of learning of the entire family.  I get just as much out of it as my children.  Learning never ends.  :)  How did you start homeschooling?  Why are you considering homeschooling?  Leave a comment and let us know.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Homeschool Kalamazoo Wants to Promote your Event

Are you planning an event that is geared towards homeschoolers?

Are you planning an event that homeschoolers would enjoy?

Are you planning an event that homeschoolers can/would participate in?

Leave a comment with your event information and I will consider it for an addition to the Homeschool Kalamazoo site.